
  symbol: pushbutton

Pinout restrictions

  • Generally there is no need to define pinout section when we have an element with only two pins.
  • If there is pinout section then some naming conventions are to be respected.
  • Left side pin name should begin with letter L. Example: L, L1
  • Right side pin name should begin with letter R. Example: R, R1
  • There may be not connected pin(s) whose name should begin with NC. Example: NC, NC1
  • If there are any other pins then a symbol with enclosure and annotated pins will be generated.

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
bottom list List of pins on the bottom side of symbol enclosure
left list List of pins on the left side of symbol enclosure
right list List of pins on the right side of symbol enclosure
top list List of pins on the top side of symbol enclosure

Real example


  symbol: pushbutton
  left: S1
  right: S2
  bottom: CASE