Twin Diode

  symbol: twin-diode

Pinout restrictions

  • Anode pin names should be either A, A1, A2, A3.
  • Cathode pin names should be either C, C1,C2`.
  • There are also anode-cathode pins with names either AC, CA.
  • If there are any other pins then a symbol with enclosure and annotated pins will be generated.
A-CA-C twin diode
C1-A-C2 twin diode
A1-C-A2 twin diode
A1-A3-A2 twin diode

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
bottom list List of pins on the bottom side of symbol enclosure
left list List of pins on the left side of symbol enclosure
options list Symbol options (see below)
right list List of pins on the right side of symbol enclosure
top list List of pins on the top side of symbol enclosure


Option Description Symbol
schottky Shottky twin diode Shottky twin diode
tvs Twin transient voltage suppressor TVS twin diode
zener Zener twin diode Zener twin diode

Real example

Diode BAS40-04:

  A: 1
  CA: 3
  C: 2

  symbol: twin-diode
  options: schottky
Diode BAS40-04